Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The latest buzzzz...

So, what do you do when there is nothing to do?

Make something up.

I decided to drag my kiddos out to the field today. Literally. I told them that we had a BIG job that needed to be done. There were some creatures out there that NEEDED to have their stories told and it was up to us to do it!

So the plan was head over to the wildlife area down the street and find some bugs. We would take pictures of the bugs, take a picture from the bugs view, name them, and then create a mini story about them to post here.

They LOVED this idea!

Until we got out to the field.

The roads were covered in little butterflies that would spring up around the car as we drove past. Horseflies and cicadas bounced off the windows and dragonflies raced over head. I figured we were in bug heaven, the kids decided that it was hell.

When we got to the first field, Alex was thrilled to get out, camera in hand, and explore. Morgan flat out refused to leave the safety of the car. I ordered her out thinking that she'd get over it. The amount of screeching that ensued made me rethink this awesome idea and I allowed her to go back to the car. Alex and I kept shooting. Here is what we got in the first field.

I'm not sure what kind of bug this little guy is, but I'm lucky I got such a clear photo of him. The weed he was clinging to was blowing around in the wind.

Alex got this photo:

We decided that they must have been having some kind of buggy meeting.

Alex wanted to move on to the next field, so back to the car we went. We paused to photograph some bugs that mistook the car for a fun place to hang out.

On the slow drive to the next field, I saw a cicada just hanging out:

I tried to talk the chickens into cleaving the car, but they assured me that they could get photos from inside. Here is an example of one that Morgan took:

Here are the rest of the photos that I took on our little safari.

And here are the rest of the photos that my darling chickens took.

I guess the next time we go out, I'll stick to botanicals and skip the bugs. 

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